Remedy Golden Anti Penuaan Kulit Wajah

Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:

Selamat Petang semua ! Macamana hari ini? Harapnya jerebu tidak mematahkan semangat hari Isnin semua. Mummy pun masih bersemangat nak bekerja hari ini. Di samping itu, mummy juga nak berkongsikan pengalaman mummy selama 2 minggu ini dengan penggunaan produk kecantikan dari Remedy - Golden Anti Aging.

Bila umur sudah meningkat, pastinya mummy inginkan produk anti penuaan untuk kulit mummy. Setelah mummy di berikan peluang untuk mencuba produk  Remedy - Golden Anti Aging Control ini. Mummy rasa ianya sangat bagus untuk kulit mummy kerana ianya mengandungi  9999.9 serbuk emas yang sangat di kenali dalam dunia kecantikan untuk bertindak sebagai agen anti penuaan. Remedy Golden Anti Aging Control ini boleh menghilangkan kedutan di muka dan garis halus di wajah mummy serta memberikan hidrasi yang maksimum. Kulit mummy nampak bermaya dan tidak kusam !

Selain itu, ia juga membantu mummy:

  • Mengurangkan pigmentasi
  • Mengecilkan jerawat
  • Mempertingkatkan radiasi
  • Memperbaiki struktur kulit wajah
  • Memberikan kulit wajah lebih elastik
Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:
Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:
Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:

Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:

Lihat kulit mummy setelah 2 minggu menggunakan produk Remedy - Golden Anti Aging kulit mummy nampak lebih sekata dan kulit tidak kering walaupun sekarang ini, musim jerebu sedang melanda ! Kene extra caring kulit muka di musim jerebu. Kerana kulit muka yang paling terdedah secara terbuka dengan asap jerebu. Kalau tak jaga, cepatlah rosak nanti. Betul, tak?

Mummy juga suka dengan packaging botol Remedy - Golden Anti Aging ini yang kecil senang di bawa untuk travel. Tak perlu transfer ke travel kit ;)

Harga mampu milik Remedy - Golden Anti Aging ini ialah RM79 sahaja. Boleh beli di:

Telefon: 016-4224180 / 019-7722059

Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:
Contains luxuries 9999.9 gold flakes that well known for its excellent effect in beauty especially for anti-aging products. This product firms and tones the skin, helps to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles while delivers maximum hydration.

  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Shrinking acne
  • Increase the radiance
  • Improve skin structure
  • Improve skin elasticity

NOT 150301045 K
- See more at:


Welcome back , guys !

Thank you for connecting with me. Your comments are much appreciated :)

For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me at

  1. Suka guna golden anti ageing ni, serum yang terbaik untuk kulit asia, mujur jumpa yang sesuai kan...good review dear

  2. Sesuai untuk kakak mu yang dah berusia ni

  3. macam kulit anim ni memang sesuai la kot kan. Nak kecikkan jerawat degil hehehe

  4. wah anti penuaan nie..sesuai utk Kak Sue jugak nie..

  5. lepas ni tambah cantik la mommy dhia ni hihihi

  6. anti penuaan, ok biar ic nampak tua dari pemiliknya..hihi cayalah.

  7. wahh patut tengok mommy Lynda makin cantik.. Guna Remedy Golden rupanya.. Nak cantik gak..

  8. menarik.. boleh kurangkan kedutan ni

  9. nk beli jgk lah... org llaki leh pakai ke?

  10. Jangan harapkan natural beauty utk kekal cantik. Perlukan juga bantuan skincare atau supplement.

  11. Yaya memang adore dgn kulit muka sis alin. Memang cantik. Sekarang ni mesti lagi mabeles lepas pakai serum ni. Hee

  12. waaa... bertambah -tambah cantik la lepas ni.

  13. akk nmpk gebu n cntik.. 😊 zaza pun tgh try jnis luminous... cuma efek tang jerawat tu lmbt skit... tp sedap pakai :)

  14. Kak Linda.. Memang berbezanya muka sebelum dengan selepas... Ini la rahsia kejelitaan akak selamani yerr...

    Hot post... Atasi Kulit Muka Berminyak dengan Remedy PLUSH

  15. AMboi2..nampak flawless sungguh..gebuuuuu :)


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